Walker working to help Formula One sponsor Rich Energy overtake other energy drink brands

Walker working to help Formula One sponsor Rich Energy overtake other energy drink brands

Rich Energy – a recently launched British premium energy drink – has outsourced its downstream global supply chain operation to Berkshire-based Walker Logistics.  Walker will be responsible for supplying…

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LPR’s Direct Service offering celebrates its second anniversary

LPR’s Direct Service offering celebrates its second anniversary

LPR,Europe’s leading red pallet pooling company, has been providing its Direct Service offering alongside its full-servicepallet system for two successful years. Direct Service sees the pallets move from retailer to customer rather than returningto an LPR inspection depot after each use. With Direct Service, the pallets are returned only when deemed necessary,…

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ZARGES launches RetouЯ collapsible case New cases and access equipment to be showcased at LogiMAT 2019

ZARGES launches RetouЯ collapsible case New cases and access equipment to be showcased at LogiMAT 2019

ZARGES has launched the RetouЯ collapsible case. Made of aluminium, the space-saving reusable packaging has been specially designed and developed for use in the logistics sector. The RetouЯ…

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Safety barrier manufacturer and exporter moves up the International Track 200 league table for the second year running

Safety barrier manufacturer and exporter moves up the International Track 200 league table for the second year running

A-SAFE has made the HSBC International Track 200 league table for the second year running. After achieving 68% average international sales growth over two years, the safety barrier…

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EnerSys expands NexSys motive power battery range to include lithium-ion technology

EnerSys expands NexSys motive power battery range to include lithium-ion technology

ZUG, Switzerland, 19 February 2019 – EnerSys is set to introduce advanced lithium ion technology to its NexSys range of high-performance motive power batteries with the launch of NexSys iON battery systems…

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Sunday service will give online retailers the edge

Sunday service will give online retailers the edge

Walker Logistics has announced that it can now offer online retailers next-day delivery services, seven-days-a-week. It means that consumers can receive their goods within 24 hours – even…

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Agile warehouse solutions for a post-Brexit world

Agile warehouse solutions for a post-Brexit world

In the run up to leaving the EU, businesses have been facing great uncertainty over what the future might hold. In the event of ‘Deal’ or ‘No Deal’,…

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Cimcorp to provide automated order picking system for Synlait’s new liquid milk production facility

Cimcorp to provide automated order picking system for Synlait’s new liquid milk production facility

Working with food packaging and processing integrator Tetra Pak, Cimcorp will optimize material flow and throughput from production to dispatch within the site at Dunsandel, New Zealand. Cimcorp,…

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Successful TCS&D show returns to its roots

Successful TCS&D show returns to its roots

Taking place for the fifth time, the bi-annual Temperature Controlled Storage & Distribution (TCS&D) Exhibition & Conference is returning to its original location at the East of England…

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Warehouses Reaching Capacity Require Increased Rack Protection

Warehouses Reaching Capacity Require Increased Rack Protection

Three-quarters of UK warehouse owners say their warehouses are full to capacity, according to today’s report. The threat of a no-deal Brexit sees stockpiling of goods as businesses…

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